Region PYPA



Saved to Serve




The Pentecostal Young People’s Association (PYPA), the youth wing of IPC, was founded in 1947 by a few Pentecostal college students from U.C. College Alwaye and Maharaja’s College, Trivandrum, under the leadership of Pastor T.S. Abraham. With its motto “Saved to Serve,” the group was created for the social, mental, cultural, and spiritual development of Pentecostal youths, and aimed to use the talents of its members to evangelize the world. PYPA serves as a medium to foster fellowship and union with other Pentecostal youth Organizations. Besides conducting youth meetings, seminars and conventions, and publishing newsletters, magazines, books and tracts, the association also is engaged in social services and various charitable works such as helping victims of natural calamities.


Although IPC Eastern Region churches had active youth departments and organized youth seminars and other programs during its conventions early on, an official Region PYPA was not formed until January 4, 1997, when the Region Council appointed Rev. Joseph Williams of IPC Rockland Assembly as the PYPA Coordinator. On November 9, 1997, the coordinator called a meeting of IPC pastors, council members and youth representatives at India Christian Assembly in New York. The meeting resolved to formalize a region-wide PYPA. Rev. Joseph Williams was elected as its first president; Bros. Joy Thumpamon, Saji Thattayil, P.C. Joseph and Jiji Varghese were elected as vice president, secretary, treasurer and joint secretary respectively. PYPA held its first youth convention at Susan B. Anthony High School from April 11- 12, 1998. Dr. Thompson K. Mathew was the guest speaker. Over the years Rev. George Mathew, brothers P.C. Joseph, Jaison Joseph, Santhosh George, and Prinson Abraham provided exceptional leadership to the PYPA. Bro. George Samuel who served the PYPA as Secretary and Treasurer for many years has been a big promoter and pillar of the Region PYPA. Additionally, the contributions of the following pastors, brothers and sisters who have served in various leadership positions over the years are noteworthy: Oommen Ebenezer, Babu Thomas, Varghese Thalapallil, William Philip, Joji Joseph, Thomas Kidangalil, Roy Mathew, Josh George, Mathew Varughese, Ciju George, Stanley Mammen, Debbie Thomas, Steve Jacob, Gladwin Geevarghese, Charlie Kurian, Justin Robertson, Robin Varghese, Koshy John, Abraham George, Stanley Samuel and Iris Jacob.

Today, PYPA under the leadership of Bro. Samuel Thomas is a vibrant organization. One of the highlight of the PYPA program are the annual VBS held in New York and New Jersey. Each year over 400 children, ages 4 and above attend the VBS. Many children have given their hearts to the Lord and have accepted him as their personal Savior during these VBS events.

Eastern Region PYPA : Leadership